

Deliverable 1.2 Project handbook
The project handbook (PH) outlines the internal procedures of the ClearClimate project consortium in terms of project execution, administrative management, management structures, communication and collaboration. It contains all relevant information for consortium partners to refer to during the project. The purpose of the Project Handbook is twofold. First, it is a reference document for Consortium partners containing the main information of the day-to-day project management and providing links to further information where required. Second, the document outlines the standard procedures the ClearClimate consortium will implement when delivering project reports and other deliverables, including file naming conventions and the use of agreed procedures and templates where relevant. 
The PH might be updated whenever necessary. For the avoidance of doubt, the Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement take precedence over this document. 
Since this PH is designed to reach wider public (Dissemination level – Public), it is also aimed at supporting and helping project managers and project teams to successfully manage their projects. Readers will find the project management concepts, suggested approaches, tools and data needed for project implementation. Moreover, our goal is to reach out to people from various levels in different organisations and hopefully recommend this deliverable as a useful one. 
The PH is intended to meet the following design principles: 
  • Relevance – the PH should provide a generic and useful theoretical background; 
  • Flexibility and practicality – the PH should provide practical and flexible examples; 
  • Applicability – the PH should be easy to use and provide suitable ideas and instruments to be adapted and applied by ClearClimate partners; 
  • Privacy protection – the PH should secure personal data and information protection. 
Deliverable 7.2 Project website and social media accounts
The following report addresses the deliverable D7.2 “Project website and social media accounts” associated with Task 7.3 “Setting up and maintaining project website and relevant social networks “ in the Work package 7 “Dissemination, communication and exploitation activities”. The report summarises the content and structure of the ClearClimate website targeted as part of the Communication and Dissemination strategy and the intent of the project consortium to increase general awareness of the ClearClimate as well as to enhance the dissemination of information and outputs of the project. 
This report also gives the overview of the ClearClimate social media accounts. Social media is deployed to raise awareness of the work undertaken by the project. By communicating tailor-made messaging through the most effective channels to reach targeted audiences, ClearClimate will reach out to society as a whole and in particular to some specific audiences (ClearClimate target groups) while demonstrating how EU funding contributes to tackling the challenges related to hydro-climate extremes and their wider influence. 
Being aware of the GA article ARTICLE 17 — COMMUNICATION, DISSEMINATION AND VISIBILITY, ClearClimate will use both its website and social media to communicate and disseminate its results to multiple audiences. Finally, ClearClimate have taken into account the GA articles 7.2 ‘Visibility — European flag and funding statement’ and 7.3 ‘Quality of information — Disclaimer’ thus the EU emblem has been placed together with the text 
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Grant agreement No. 101059546 ” 
on the website. The deliverable is prepared by the WP7 Leader (UAB) and approved by the Project Executive Board.